
Eastcote Lane Album

2002 Reunion

Original Guestbook

Eastcote Lane Book & Comments


Facts & Figures


Your Own Book






In 2002 my Wife Joy & I were organising a reunion for the Dean Family
I happened to mention this to Dawn who I met through the Friends Reunited Website at the Eastcote Lane School section and she said what a good idea it would be to meet up with other members who had attended the School........

.........I had already found the Hotel where I knew we would be made most welcome that was the Novatel Stevenage and with Sue the Conference Manager.
I put the information on Friends Reunited in my personal information asking people to get in touch if they were interested.
I wrote to everyone who had registered on the Friends website who attended Eastcote Lane or Roxeth Manor School  up to 1965 inviting them to join us for the weekend.
It took nearly two years to make all the arrangements and it was decided that our get together would be in October 2002.
This was a time when it was just out of season for the Hotel and they were able to offer a much better deal then.
People came from all parts of the United Kingdom and Canada and America.
Joy picked up Dawn and her Husband Marvin and Brother Brian at Gatwick Airport and took them straight to the Hotel.
Some People had booked in from the Friday to Monday morning and others turned up during the day on Saturday until either Sunday after Breakfast but the majority stayed until the Monday morning.
The Hotel Staff were excellent and really seemed to go out of their way to make our weekend the best it could be.
I think a good time was enjoyed by all.