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John Paulling

In 1949, I left Eastcote Lane School to work at ‘Pritchards Bakery’ Rayners Lane.
February 1951 I attended the National Sea Training School on ‘Vindicatrix’ at Sharpness, for a six-week course in the Catering Class.
This was prior to joining the Merchant Navy as a ‘Galley Boy’
I spent the next four years sailing around the world, visiting many interesting Ports.
In September 1954, I’d had enough of the Tanker Ship that I was on as 2nd Cook and Baker, and like hundreds of other seamen, took unscheduled leave. (jumped Ship) in Sydney Australia.
I found work at one of the steel works in Newcastle, just north of Sydney, later I was able to get myself a job at Courtaulds, an English Company. I stayed there for eleven years.
1956 was year Mary and I were married, and we had three Daughters. Now we have three Granddaughters and five Grandsons.
In 1959 my Parents emigrated and they were followed in 1960 when my Sister Margaret joined us.
It was in 1967 that I joined the Australian Custom Service, as a ‘Preventive Officer’
I served twenty-eight years with them. And then accepted voluntary redundancy. During my service with them I became a Launch Driver, and obtained my Master Class V Certificate.
Mary and I had a trip back in 1986.
In 1995 Mary and I took another trip back, to England, to attend an Uncle and Aunts 60th Wedding Anniversary, and on both occasions we drove past the old school.
1996 was when I had my heart attack, and in 1997, I had by-pass surgery, around five blockages, but I am pleased to say I am now feeling fit and well and living life to the full.
I work one day a week, helping my Son-in-Law install built-in-wardrobes. I also teach Tai Chi exercises, once a week.
Now the computer takes up some time, and the Grandchildren also need our love and attention.
If you know me please get in touch - johnpaul4@hotkey.net.au 
©John Paulling2008


Skipper John ©John Paulling2008