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Lilymay Smith (Now Lily Lee) 

Born March 7th 1940, at 132 Malvern Avenue, South Harrow, Mum and Dad later purchased the house next-door 130, where we lived until 1948.
My Parents Jean and Joe Smith were from entirely different parts of Great Britain, Mum was from Scotland and my Father was a Cockney, born within the sound of Bow Bells.
They had met and married in Geelong, Victoria. My brother Ian was born there, and in 1938 they decided it would be a great idea and very nice to have a holiday in the UK and show off the new Grandson to both sets off Grand Parents.
This they did setting sail in 1938, and as it turned out just prior to World War 2. This of course meant that the Admiralty commandeered all the passenger ships, and took them into serving the country, as Troop ships and the like.
That meant of course that my Parents were unable to return home, hence the house in Malvern Avenue. Well in due course of time amidst all the bombing and anti aircraft gunfire and general chaos, who should arrive but me!! And I have to say the world has never been the same since…………….
I attended school at Eastcote Lane from late in 1944 until 1948. That was the year when I came to Australia, and up until now have never been back, but I hope to be spending a couple of days there after travelling round the globe, hopefully in June sometime, not quite sure exactly yet, before retuning home.
There were several children that became good friends in my young days, and it would be wonderful should any of them read this,
Please feel free to email me rockgran@southwest.com.au
©Lily May Smith2008